The dim lights of the store interior take a few moments to adjust to. Cracks wind across the bare concrete floor, outlining the dark stains from the leaky ceiling. There are six sparsely-stocked aisles running parallel from the front of the store to the back.
Gambalor is hungry, but what is Gambalor hungry for? Gambalor must make a decision. With eyes closed, Gambalor picks up a box of Crispity Crunchies off a nearby shelf and rolls it across the floor.
Nutrition Facts. The cereal seems to have no nutrition of any sort, but this reminds Gambalor that Gambalor has not eaten anything particularly nutritious lately. Gambalor grabs a wilting head of lettuce from the produce aisle.
A word search. Every word in the search is capitalized and followed by a trademark symbol. Someone got too excited about their intellectual property. Gambalor also wishes to be excited about intellect, and goes for a pack of BrainBBig Enhanced Mega Water™ and some Smarties™®©.
Barcode. The stripy barcode on the bottom of the box makes Gambalor think of Zebras. On a whim, Gambalor browses through the freezer full of various meats. And sure enough, they have it. Genuine Zebra Meat. Of course, through some legal loophole the word "genuine" in this context means "not genuine" but surely it's close enough.
Gambalor takes the selected food to the register at the front of the store. The cashier audibly sighs and deflates as they notice Gambalor approaching. They scan Gambalor's items and say "that will be $3.50$12 even$87.32." Gambalor does not have that kind of money. Gambalor flips Gambalor's coin.